Equestrian Fencing Solutions | A New Breeder's Guide

10 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog


If you only have a few horses, you may never give a great deal of attention to the type of fence that you have to keep your horses contained. You can just place your horses in a pre-built arena and never be very concerned. However, if you take horse ownership to the next level as a breeder, horse fencing will be a very important topic, as your investment will grow and keeping the animals contained and safe will be of the utmost importance. Here are a few of the most common questions new breeders will usually have about horse fencing solutions. 

What are the primary types of equestrian fencing for breeders?

Breeders use an array of fencing types to keep their horses contained. Wood, even though considered outdated by some, is still a primary material used. However, more modern horse fencing styles, such as PVC coated wood or high-tensile smooth wire, are incredibly reliable and are usually a logical choice. 

Is it true you can be held liable for injuries without the appropriate fencing?

There have been cases of horses getting out of their enclosures and harming others, resulting in legal proceedings. Someone can even try to sue you if their child makes their way into your lot and is injured by one of your horses. Therefore, it is a good idea to make sure you know what you are doing when both containing your animals and working to keep trespassers out. An excited horse can seriously hurt someone, especially small children, and all bystanders and neighbors could be in harm's way without the right type of enclosure. 

Should or should you not electrify a fence for horses?

A lot of horse owner debate whether electrifying a fence is a good idea; however, most breeders do agree that adding some form of electric protection is beneficial when you own a lot of horses. Even one run of electric taping across the top slat of fencing will boost the longevity of your fence because it will keep the horses from leaning into or propping themselves on the fence itself. The key to proper and equestrian-safe electrical fencing is to stay away from loosely installed runs of wire or electrical tape, as these can be pulled loose by a determined horse and cause injury. 

Keeping your horses safe and contained as their numbers grow should be a primary focus as a breeder. Talk to a horse fencing contractor for more information about the types of enclosures that will work best for your needs.